Bottom of the Table

What do you do when you’re at the bottom of the table?

More precisely, what do you do when you’re at the bottom of the table after winning seven back-to-back championships?

Under pressure, and when results aren’t as expected, culture is quick to crack. In these intense periods, no matter what the context, it is crucial to be clear about what is open to change and what you stick with.

Let’s just assume that there are some technical, tactical, selection, training and/or match day changes that the Crusaders will implement.

From a leadership perspective though, we see the Crusaders living into their values. We believe that the core of their culture will remain intact. It is a culture that was built off the back of adversity, after the Crusaders finished bottom of the table in the inaugural Super 12 season in 1996. In 2001 the Crusaders finished in 10th, having previously won three back-to-back titles.

It started with a greater sense of identity, and a clear and united vision, purpose and values. Most potently the Crusaders culture is built on a solid and genuine foundation of care and connection, and remaining in the present moment.

Sir Wayne Smith, who was brought in as head coach in 1997, says “if you are under pressure… care for yourself, care for each other, care for your family and friends that are coming along to watch you play, care for community.”

Robbie Deans, who was brought in by Smithy as the team manager and later became head coach, says “the invisible factors are the most important” and “there are numbers you can track, there are percentages you can track, but it is the chemistry of the group that is most important."

"How do you observe that? You feel it, you see it through eye contact, you see body language, you see response to failure… What's important is what you do immediately after. Do you dwell on it? Is it compounding? Or are you helping each others to get back on track to deal with what is coming, what’s next, which is always the most important thing.”

Imagine in your context, leading a sports or business team, the equivalent to being at the bottom of the table. What would you do?


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A bad idea